Ratchet and Clank's Adventures Series Wiki


While the rest of the gang is busy, Kiva has bad memories of a certain someone during Tarzan's childhood. Reia and a few others wanted to hear Kiva out, and she begin to tells the story. In Deep Jungle, Kiva became questionable about the "Zugor" and some new inhabitants within the outskirts of the jungle. During the move, a thunderstorm separated Tarzan from the group, believing he is dead. But he is saved by a conduit named Cole McGrath. Kiva has his thanks for saving Tarzan, but the reality spreads too fast and Tarzan runs away from the disappointment and sudden grief. Kiva and Cole followed him, but Cole's friend, Zeke, found them first and tells them that a speedster has kidnapped Cole's girlfriend, Trish...


  • Based on "Tarzan 2" by Walt Disney Pictures
  • Inspired by "Infamous" by Sucker Punch
  • Focuses on Kiva's never-before-seen adventures in Deep Jungle

Guest Stars:

  • Heroes
  • Villains
    • Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash
  • ​Cameos
    • Darksied (Flashback)


  • Prologue: A Darker Threat Than The Inquisitors
  • The Remaining Days of Tarzan's Childhood
  • Nature Outwitted by a Conduit
  • Dangers of the Dark Mountain
  • The Zugor's Identity
  • Kiva Agrees to Find Trish
  • Introducing the Reverse Flash
  • Tarzan Knows What He Is
  • Epilogue: Kiva's Idea on Where Thawne Is

